Pick Game
Free Addon
“Pick a Picture” is a free game where you can win banner credits for your manual TE.
To participate, simply surf 100 pages and pick a picture to claim your reward...
Win up to 1000 banner credits ! (once a day).

System requirements

âś… Have the cross-promo pluggin installed on your Manual TE.

âś… Have a valid license and the TES-MS script installed

âś… Your site must use https Protocol

âś… Have a script version with "7stat" table in your BDD.

The Pick Game

To add, simply edit the /txs-sb-clk.php file & Apply SQL to create new table in your bdd.
To do this, follow these 3 steps :

â­•Before you start editing, remember to save your original file.

â­•Depending on the version of your script, the line numbers may not correspond.

â™» Step 1 - Apply SQL to create new table in your bdd

How to Apply SQL and create new table in your bdd ==> Click here

â™» Step 2 - add In /txs-sb-clk.php Line 407 after // Assign SID and URL varaibles // section

This code is configured with a numbers of 85 clicks - you can change this variable

â™» Step 3 - Files Installation

đź”° You have received the ZIP archive provided by the traffic-exchange.ovh' webmaster.
đź”° Unzip the archive and view the READ.md file for configuration
đź”° Upload the /pick/ folder on your hosting

Participating sites