The Hangman
Free Addon
The hangman is a free game to earn "Points" for your manual TE.
Every 50 pages surfed, solve the game to claim your reward. Once you have solved the Hangman you will automatically be credited with 50 points.

System requirements

âś… Have the cross-promo pluggin installed on your Manual TE.

âś… Have a valid license and the TES-MS script installed

âś… Your site must use https Protocol

âś… Have a script version with "7stat" table in your BDD.

The Hangman

To add, simply edit the /txs-sb-clk.php file & Apply SQL to create new table in your bdd.
To do this, follow these 3 steps :

â­•Before you start editing, remember to save your original file.

â­•Depending on the version of your script, the line numbers may not correspond.

â™» Step 1 - Apply SQL to create new table in your bdd

How to Apply SQL and create new table in your bdd ==> Click here

â™» Step 2 - add In /txs-sb-clk.php Line 407 after // Assign SID and URL varaibles // section

This code is configured with a numbers of 50 clicks - you can change this variable

â™» Step 3 - Files Installation

đź”° You have received the ZIP archive provided by the' webmaster.
đź”° Unzip the archive and view the file for configuration
đź”° Upload the /hangman-50/ folder on your hosting

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